
Thu, Feb 22, 12:00pm – 1:00pm GMT

Water Series Session: Developing a Living Rivers Index to evidence river restoration

As part of SFNC’s Water Series looking at ‘Options for Developing a Market for the Water Environment’ CreditNature will showcase the work we’ve been doing to curate a Living Rivers index capable of evidencing the restoration of rivers and catchments.

We will start by explaining the need for river metrics in nature markets and move on to our concept of a Living Rivers index, including the component metrics that could be employed to calculate an index and the datasets that will be needed.

We would like to openly discuss each theme and hear your experience and ideas on the approach to ensure we develop a fit for purpose metric.

This work forms part of CreditNature’s response to CivTech Challenge 8.6 and is closely linked to the Dreel Burn Investment Readiness project.

Who should attend:
 Anyone interested in the water environment and ecosystem metrics for nature markets.

Please register here